Ancona has a new tourist information point in the city center, it’s called “L’Edicola” and will be inaugurated on Saturday 26th September 2020 at 4 PM.
The new info point is located at the historic newsstand, (Yes! One of those little Italian newsstands like in the typical movies), located in Piazza Roma in front of the Informagiovani (the city office where you can get a lot of information about the city, work opportunities and more).
L’Edicola is the first important step on the path to enhance the “Marche” capital. A central point in the hearth of ANCONA to promote touristic attractions and cultural offers in the city and its surroundings, such as organized guided tours, bike rental, meetings, and small events in the outdoor space in front of it.
In the beginning, the information point “L’EDICOLA” will be open,
every day, including holidays
from 10 am to 1 pm and from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm.
During the special events, time may be extended.
The historic newsstand L’EDICOLA in Piazza Roma (Ancona) has been in disuse for a while but now in 2020, it came back to new life. Keeping its name but renewing its functions it will be Anconas local Tourist info point. A new orientation and information center for citizens and tourists: the newsstand will be inaugurated on Saturday 26th September 2020. At 4 pm you will be able to enjoy guided tours, bike rides, and more. At 6 pm the historian Rodolfo Bersaglia will talk about Ancona and afterward the typical “ribbon cut” to officially open a new adventure for “Ancona Tourism Experience“.
This page will be updated soon, till then, you can read more information (in Italian) on the official website.
At L’EDICOLA info Point it is possible to enjoy food and drinks,
here the list of cafes and restaurants among which you can choose:
– Caffè Roma – L’EDICOLA on demand (Italian coffee and sweets)
– …